Sunday, May 19, 2024
Video of the WeekVideos

Transgender issue

Father Mike Schmitz’s video on Bruce Jenner and the transgender question highlights the complexities of gender identity. He discusses the difference between one’s perception of gender and gender reality, and how these perceptions are often shaped by gender stereotypes.

Father Mike emphasizes the importance of supporting those in our lives who may be struggling with issues of gender identity, rather than judging them. He stresses the need for compassion and understanding, and encourages people to be there for those who may be struggling with any form of brokenness.

In his video, Father Mike also addresses the arbitrary nature of gender roles and associations. He points out that certain traits or preferences, such as a preference for dolls over trucks or pink over blue, do not necessarily reflect one’s true identity. These societal expectations and stereotypes can be harmful, as they can create pressure for individuals to conform to certain roles or behaviors based on their perceived gender.

Overall, Father Mike’s video serves as a reminder to be open-minded and understanding of others, and to recognize the complexities of gender identity. It encourages people to support and be there for those who may be struggling with these issues, rather than judging or imposing expectations on them.