Sunday, May 5, 2024
Video of the WeekVideos

Isaiah Saying Mass – 5 Years Old – Video of the Week

In the video titled “Isaiah Saying Mass – 5 Years Old,” we see a young boy named Isaiah celebrating Mass at home. He is only five years old, but he is able to confidently recite the traditional prayers and perform the actions of the Mass.

Isaiah begins by saying “The Lord be with you,” and then continues on to lead the Mass. He explains that he is celebrating Mass because he loves it. As he continues with the prayers and actions, he speaks with poise and reverence.

One of the highlights of the video is when Isaiah takes bread and wine to represent the body and blood of Jesus Christ. He recites the prayers of consecration with a clear and steady voice.

However, the video also has a humorous moment when Isaiah realizes that they forgot to add wine to represent the blood of Christ. He exclaims “we forgot to put the wine in the blood!” Despite this minor hiccup, Isaiah remains undeterred and continues on with the Mass.

Overall, the video is a heartwarming portrayal of a young child’s love for their faith and the celebration of Mass. It is clear that Isaiah takes his role as a “priest” very seriously, and he performs the Mass with great care and devotion.