Sunday, May 19, 2024
Video of the WeekVideos

Lost and Found – Video of the Week

“Lost and Found” is an animated video that uses computer-animated hand-drawings to tell a story about getting lost and being found. In the video, it is shown how we often lose physical items such as keys and glasses, but it also touches on the idea of losing our focus, our cool, and even our way in life.

The video emphasizes the importance of searching, even if it can be messy or scary, as it is the only way to be found. The video suggests that being found by God is the ultimate way to be.

The video highlights that as people, we lose things all the time. We lose our keys, our glasses, and even our cool. Sometimes we lose our way and need to search for it. The search for what we have lost can be difficult, but it is necessary in order to be found.

In the end, the video shows that even though we may lose things, the search for what we have lost can lead to positive outcomes. Thanks to the search, we may find our remote under the couch or our keys in the car. And ultimately, the search for our way in life can lead us to be found by God.