Monday, May 6, 2024
Video of the WeekVideos

The Comfortable Couch – Video of the Week

Sarah and Lucy are hanging out on the couch discussing life when Sarah makes a disturbing discovery. She sees someone on TV who looks just like her, and remembers that this person quit the softball team a few months ago. Lucy mentions that hundreds of teens gathered at a local high school to celebrate World Youth Day by watching a satellite feed of Pope Francis’s address to the youth of the world.

Sarah reflects on the fact that she had considered putting together a clothing and diaper drive for newborn babies a few months ago, but never followed through. An inner voice, possibly her conscience, convinces her to get off the couch and go out and make a difference in the world. She stands up and leaves the house, determined to change the world and help others.

The overall message of the video is the importance of taking action and not letting the comfort of staying at home prevent one from making a positive impact on others. The teens who celebrated World Youth Day and organized the clothing and diaper drive serve as examples of individuals who took the initiative to make a difference in their community. Sarah ultimately decides to follow in their footsteps and contribute to the greater good.