Sunday, May 19, 2024
Video of the WeekVideos

Good Friday (Spoken Word) – Video of the Week

The video “Good Friday” is a spoken word piece that reflects on the last day of Jesus Christ’s life. It tells the story of how Jesus was arrested and subjected to six trials, despite being innocent. The day is described as unjust, with Jesus being beaten and whipped, and ultimately sentenced to death by the very people he came to save.

Despite the violence and cruelty he faced, Jesus remained obedient and meek. His death on the cross was a victory, as it satisfied the law and offered salvation to all people. The video highlights the significance of this day, known as Good Friday, and the powerful message it holds.

As a spoken word video, “Good Friday” uses the art of poetry and the power of the spoken word to convey its message. The use of language and rhythm helps to bring the story of Good Friday to life and allows the viewer to truly feel the emotion and impact of this day.

Overall, “Good Friday” is a moving tribute to the sacrifice of Jesus and serves as a reminder of the hope and redemption that his death brings. It encourages viewers to remember and reflect on the significance of Good Friday and the promise of Easter.