Monday, May 20, 2024
Video of the WeekVideos

Unstoppable: The Hope of Jesus at Easter – Video of the Week

Easter is a time of hope and celebration for Christians all around the world. It is a time to remember Jesus, the ultimate hero who changed the world and inspired countless others to do the same.

Throughout history, many people have made an impact on the world. They have built cities, empires, and civilizations. They have fought for peace and stood up for beauty. They have given their all to see the value attached to every human soul, not just the privileged few.

While many of these people are remembered as heroes, most are eventually forgotten. But all of them faced the same challenge: death. No one has ever been able to defeat death, except for one man: Jesus.

Jesus did more to change the world, reveal truth, and inspire love than any other person who has ever lived. He loved more, gave more, and forgave more than all others combined. His impact has been felt through the centuries, inspiring art, healing, and learning. His love has left a lasting impression on countless hearts.

Yet, Jesus did all of this without an army or any earthly power or influence. He never even wrote a single word on paper, but His message of love has been passed down through the ages, filling libraries with His words.

Jesus’ birth was celebrated by billions, and His life and death have forever changed the way we view the world. His death, in particular, was unlike any other in history. For the first time, a man looked death in the face and emerged victorious. The grave could not hold Him, hate could not defeat Him, and the world could not contain Him.

Jesus is more than a teacher, more than a prophet, more than a philanthropist, and more than a philosopher. He is the ultimate hero, someone who is untameable, uncontrollable, unexplainable, and unkillable. Just ask the people who tried to defeat Him.

Today, Jesus is alive and still offering forgiveness and grace to all who seek it. His arms are open wide, ready to embrace anyone who wants to be unstoppable just like Him. All it takes is four simple words: “I believe in You.” If you truly mean those words and are willing to put them into action, you too can be unstoppable. So, this Easter season, let us remember the hope and love that Jesus brings, and let us strive to be unstoppable in our own lives.